After Hours Student Café

Foto: Christopher Egeberg
At Roskilde Library
16:30 - 18:30
Free ticket: Gratis
Roskilde Bibliotek

Dronning Margrethes Vej
4000 Roskilde

As an international student you probably don’t know much about Danish public libraries and what we can do for you, both regarding your education and your life in general – and that libraries are free for all!

So come and meet us and hear about all the good stuff and enjoy a slice of pizza and a beer or soda, on the house. We promise we won’t talk all the time, there will be plenty of time to mingle and find new friends.

Remember to get a free ticket, we need to know how many pizzas and drinks we have to order! Get the ticket here 

Thursday 6th of Mach at 16.30 in the Hall at Roskilde Library


Adgangsforhold på Biblioteket
Bibliotekerne er for alle og er indrettet, så du også kan komme rundt med kørestol, rollator eller barnevogn. Læs mere om adgangsforholdene til Roskilde Bibliotek